Martensite start using jmatpro
Martensite start using jmatpro

martensite start using jmatpro

J6 - integer J6 is the identifying number of each alloy to be examined. Top | Next | Prev Parameters Input parameters C - real array of dimension 12 C holds the composition of each alloy:- C(1) is the Carbon concentration (in weight percent).Ĭ(2) is the Silicon concentration (in weight percent).Ĭ(3) is the Manganese concentration (in weight percent).Ĭ(4) is the Nickel concentration (in weight percent).Ĭ(5) is the Molybdenum concentration (in weight percent).Ĭ(6) is the Chromium concentration (in weight percent).Ĭ(7) is the Vanadium concentration (in weight percent).Ĭ(8) is the Cobalt concentration (in weight percent).Ĭ(9) is the Copper concentration (in weight percent).Ĭ(10) is the Aluminium concentration (in weight percent).Ĭ(11) is the Tungsten concentration (in weight percent).Ĭ(12) is the Ferrite concentration (not entered). Bhadeshia, Bainite in Steels, Institute of Materials, London (1992), 1-450. Bhadeshia, A thermodynamic analysis of isothermal transformation diagrams, Metal Science, 16 (1982) 159-165. The time axis is usually plotted on a logarithmic scale.

martensite start using jmatpro

The upper C-curve is obtained by plotting CTEMP versus DIFFT Its lower limit is defined by the M S temperature. Plotting CTEMP versus SHEART gives the lower C-curve which has an upper cut-off at W S or B S, whichever is greater. The data required to do this include the W S, B S, and M S temperatures, the temperature (CTEMP), the time required to initiate reconstructive transformations (DIFFT) and the time required to initiate displacive transformations (SHEART). These instructions have been compiled by Dr Sangeeta Khare. The maximum number of different alloys which can be analysed in a single run is set by the variable J1 (currently 20). The program will return an error message if these limits are exceeded. There are maximum and minimum limits imposed on each constituent as shown :- Input The program asks for compositions (in wt.%) of eleven constituents to be supplied.

  • SHEART and DIFFT are the times in seconds of the lower and upper C-curves of the TTT diagram (Ref.
  • XTO400 is the same as XTO, but with 400 J/mol of stored energy in the ferrite, to allow calculations on bainite (Fig.
  • XTO is the T-zero carbon concentration in mole fraction (Fig.
  • FTO is the driving force for diffusionless transformation (Fig.
  • XEQ50 is the same as XEQ but allowing for 50 J/mol of strain energy in the ferrite in order to do calculations for Widmanstatten ferrite.
  • XEQ is the paraequilibrium carbon concentration of austenite in mole fraction.
  • XNUCLEUS is the optimum nucleus carbon concentration in mole fraction.
  • CTEMP is the temperature in centigrade.
  • GMAX is the driving force for nucleation (Fig.
  • All driving forces are in units of J/mol and all calculations are for the paraequilibrium state.
  • FPRO is the driving force for allotriomorphic ferrite formation by a paraequilibrium mechanism.
  • The output data contains the concentrations (C, Si, Mn, Ni, Mo, Cr, V, Co, Cu, Al and W) in wt.% and mole fraction (atomic % /100).
  • MAP_STEEL_MUCG83 is a modified version of MUCG73 and MUCG46. See mucg83.f and included documentation files inside the file or.


    Source code and documentation in zipped tape archive file (.tar.gz). Top | Next | Prev Specification Language:


    Here the program reverts to the free energy function of MUCG46 to restore consistency. This program corrects an inconsistency in MUCG73, where a modified free energy function for pure iron was substituted into MUCG46, without making adjustments to other algorithms. Calculates Widmanstatten, Bainite and Martensite start temperatures.


    Phase Transformations and Complex Properties Group,ĭepartment of Materials Science and Metallurgy,Ī powerful suite of software for modelling of the thermodynamics and kinetics of solid-state transformations in steels.

    Martensite start using jmatpro